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Amber Hill Farm

established 1985

28340 Eddings Rd
Rhoadesville, VA 22542

(540) 854-6136


Amber Hill Farm home page Programs at Amber Hill Lessons/Boarding Amber Hill Farm 2006 Hunter Show Series Amber Hill Horse Trials Amber Hill Summer Camp 4 H AIRC Team Directions to Amber Hill


What IS the Interscholastic Equestrian Association?

The Mission of IEA is to introduce students in middle & high school to Equestrian Sports, and to develop understanding & appreciation of Equestrian Sports through organized competitions and educational opportunities.

The Objectives Of IEA Are:

  • To promote the equestrian as an athlete
  • To provide students with organized competitive opportunities
  • To introduce new riders to equine sports
  • To promote the IEA among middle & secondary schools
  • To provide students with opportunities for further education in equine sports and other equine-related matters
  • To encourage liaison with IHSA, NRHA, USEF, USHJA and other interested bodies
  • To provide information concerning the creation and development of school associated mounted & non-mounted equestrian programs
  • To establish IEA rules, standards & policies
  • To evolve with the continuing progress of equestrian sports
  • To generally promote the common interests of riding instruction, competition and education in matters related to all segments of the horse industry
  • To develop team and individual sportsmanship

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Why Join IEA?

Because competing with IEA is fun and challenging, and there is no need to own a horse-horses are provided to each rider at every event. Moms and dads really like the fact that IEA provides an affordable format for their child as they build equestrian skills.

The show formats used by IEA are true tests of horsemanship. All mounts are selected by a draw. Riders are judged on horsemanship skills and equitation. All riders must compete on an unfamiliar horse and in unfamiliar tack. Hunt Seat riders compete over equitation courses an in flat equitation classes. There are four ability levels: beginner, novice, intermediate & open.

Riders not only compete for individual points, but for their team as well. Prior to the draw, coaches select riders from each class to accumulate points for their team. This format adds team camaraderie to a normally individual sport. Competing with IEA prepares serious equestrian athletes for collegiate competition and provides scholarship opportunities.


Who Can Ride With IEA?

Riders in grades 6-12 can compete with IEA. All riders must be members of a team, coached by an IEA member coach. Teams can be formed by any group of riders, whether they are in the same school or ride at the same barn.





Once you become a member of IEA at Amber Hill, Team lessons are held WEEKLY to teach horsemanship & skills required to compete on different horses,

as well as improve on equitation.

Team members are required to make one lesson a week.

Team Lessons will be offered on

Saturdays, with Sundays for make-ups, additional practice or Shows.

Meets are held at any number of locations in

(our) Zone 3:Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia & West Virginia, followed by

Regionals in the spring, then Nationals.

Team will choose which competitions to attend,

but must compete at a minimum of two, and a

maximum of five.


call us at (540) 661-7202

or visit: www.rideiea.org



was established in 1985.

Owner/Head IEA Coach, Marty Hartmann

has coached  Amber Hill Riding Team in AIRC for 17 years, as well as teaching, coaching, riding, showing & training professionally for 42 years.

We have competed in VHSA, BHSA, AIRC, 4-H & Rated Shows for many years, with lots of success & fun.

Proudly, over the years, all of our college-bound students have competed with their college riding teams, including NCAA

We still remain a family farm, and cater to children & adults of all ages, from recreational to the serious competitor.

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? 2006 Amber Hill Farm. All rights reserved.